Post by z on Jan 19, 2007 12:17:24 GMT -5
i hope Lucky goes somewhere nice and you can still visit him and that the new cat is great im very much enjoying seeing the trend we set taking hold of the nation its crushing knowing the hatemobs wont be allowed to show their hatred to the evil monster tonight though bah yeah the nme was building her up long beforree big brother that regional variation she spoke confirmed to me the exact town where she's from i had the same resistance tol lwearning it that Jermaine had too at first Jermaines ''we alll love each other'' speeech was a bit moving , im glad he doesnt walk out liike people seem to fear he will .
Post by Effulgent on Jan 19, 2007 12:40:00 GMT -5
it just proves that the media lurks on slayerfest We said something about it then 3 days later Tony Blair says "ohh bla bla I don't agree with it either bla bla nhs" he can never be as cool as us I'm upset about that too, I wouldn't normally say something like that, BUT I WANT TO SEE HER FACE AND THE OTHER WITCHES FACES WHEN THEY HEAR THE BOOS! and her saying "ouuu eerrr!" as she walks down the stairs. I really hope Jade goes, I'd be so upset if she didn't, not only for Shilpa, but for the British public, I know shes/used to be everyones favourite celeb, but I really hope they've seen her for who she is, a boombastic plastic bully! If Jade does go, I hope people don't forgot about Jack, Danielle and Jo, they didn't say as much as Jade, but most of the controversial borderline racist "stuff" said on the show has been by them, I really hope they don't get away with this either :/ I really felt like crying when they laughed to Shilpa's face during the oxo cube fight (the oxo cube is the new weapons of mass destruction! ) it was horrible and very bitchy school-girlish. they were their during her myspace days when she was just starting out Hackney? I think her family are from south india (Tamil Nadu) and she was born there, but brought up in mumbai I think she speaks several languages according to wikipedia and has better English then those boobs in the bb house and I bet your accent is as good as Jermaines! his speech was great (I'm sure he'll really miss Danielle ) shame no one cared Theres a clip on youtube from the show where they're worried about bad press I think, and Jade says that anything can be justified? :/ I'm sure Tony Blair will release a statement next week saying "if I wasted food and ate something that someone else bought without asking, I too would abuse them! slagging people off is ok you see!" and she told Shilpa that she's "slept with a lot of ethics" yes ETHICS so she can't be racist, and then she said she'll sleep with anyone I think, She's not helping with this Jade Bullying business she should just keep her mouth shut
Post by z on Jan 19, 2007 12:59:32 GMT -5
theres a representative of every newspaper in the world , the amount of guests we have the bit i was really relishing is when they say their names while theyre sat on the couch and theyd cheer shilpa and boo the name Jade to see the realisation dawn on her the tabloids wer saying even if you dont thinkn its racist you should vote her out to show the world we're not a nation of bullying loudmothed vermin , this could be the start of the revolution ! no more celebrating/rewarding monsters like Jade for their loudmothed bullying behaviour! i never got how she ever got the reputation for being a loveable idiot , she always seemed like a nasty piece of ork in the original big brother . she was like a talented version of lily allen i think she must have secretly lived in england for twenty years to have reached that level of comfort with the language its remarkable its not even a joke to sa y she speeks it better than that mob in there , its easily true my hair and accent are the same as jermaines i think the decent people in there were sufficiently moved by his speech its funny when the three witches sit on their arses all day when hes cooking for them and they say how she acts like a princess used to having servants! bloody idiots there was a thing in the mirror listing betting odds on the things jade will say after the eviction '' ive got loads of asian friends!''' ''im not a rapist!''
Post by Effulgent on Jan 19, 2007 13:26:29 GMT -5
not surprised with the amount of celebrities we get in the shoutbox that would have been fantastic and they'd all gasp and Shilpa would sit there thinking " " and then Jermaine would talk to Shilpa in the bedroom and say "see! I knew this would happen! see see? this is what happens when people disrespect themselves!" over and over again he's great. I know! she's like Nikki only ... yeah just like her I agree, even if you don't think she's racist, she still bullied her and behaved like a tangerine on fire, we should show people and the rest of the world that we're not like her and we aren't all a bunch of loud mouthed bullying chavs. only with better english and less catchy pop tunes MAYBE SHE HAS, I can't think of a part of England who can speak english as good as her, maybe she went to glasgow instead she sounds fantastic and she probably speaks better english then have of the people in britain at least she can pronouce "embryo" right and know the difference between Ethnic and Ethics all 2 of them I KNOW! she hasn't done any stuck-uppish things, and I know people went crazy when she said she had Servents, but if you ever go to South Asian you'll know that everyone has servents even the posh working class she has been very kind and she always cooks for them, yet they haven't thanked her once, if they didn't want to eat that chicken, they should have just said so. She wasn't force feeding them. I think they're just jealous, Jade's Oxo cube outbrust? I agree with Jermaine when he said that Jade was insecure and knew that Shilpa was better than her and wanted her to fart and get pissed like them and thought because she didn't do that, she must be stuck up and think she's better than them, yes having manners and being classy is terrible
Post by z on Jan 19, 2007 13:41:40 GMT -5
he'd mention how theyre people of colour again too i like him so much ive made numerous votes to get her out we should release a statement to india and america and brazil ( i think thats where cleos from ) on behalf of the nation saying how we're starting a zero tolerance policy on yobs! and apologise for letting things get as bad as they have . her soundtrack albums are hit laden triumphs actually i think she lived with stephen fry for twenty year i really wanted someone to punch that emvreeo idiot when he said she should use her teeth to get the chicken out i think theres 3 cleos in danger of not getting on that list she should have put on a ken voice and said ''theye suvants! suvants! suvants!'' it was so pathetic how she was trying to take one remark about an oxo cube and try to turn it into a big situation continuously , bloody moron quizzing her about her private life trying to lower her to her standards even when she was clearly uncomfortable with it was when i was really getting annoyed with the decent people not shutting her up .
Post by Effulgent on Jan 19, 2007 14:03:32 GMT -5
as he always does, "we're different you and me, so marry dirk" he's a good man he is I haven't, I can't be bothered, since I hope Jade goes, but what always happens is someone I really want to go ends up staying I really do hope the bb viewing public have brains and tony blair also votes to get her out her wonderfull soundtrack albums sang by other people she's a star to be honest, I'm a bit miffied with Cleo, I like her but... she says she's in the middle with this whole shebang, but she seems like she's more on Jade's side, and if I washere I couldn't stand listening to Jade go on and on and finally snap and tell her she was being a idiotic lamp and I sweared when I heard Cleo voting for Shilpa but I still think she's a nice lady.. who I wanted to win before, but I want Shilpa or Dirk to win, with Jermaine and Cleo and Iain (basically anyone who isn't in a relationship or friends with Jade) to make up the final 5 I loved it when she said she wanted to do something else with her teeth! BWAHA! MEOOOOOOOOW good on her I will always love that Ken scene, I do not care if I saw Jade's point and I wouldn't have done it, I fell even more in love with him for doing that I wish he was still in the house he was a master at banging that table YOU'RE SUCH A LIAAAAAAR, so what if she bought something else too? it's not the end of the world, the things she said to her? over an oxo cube? she's the one that's a filthy pig not shilpa, what a twonker. oh that was horrible, the "SO YOU HAD SEX WIF HIM DEN?" "well..." "YEAH LOST YOUR VAGINNNNNNNITEEEEEEY?" "I'd rath... well he was the first person I had a relationship with" "I call it making love" "OUUU POSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" BE QUIET YOU PENNE ALL'ARABATIA! oh I dislike her so much now. and if any of the other housemates vote for dirk again I will go crazy, HE'S DONE NOTHING WRONG! giving danielle Looks? I'm surprised he didn't give them a piece of their own medicine!
Post by z on Jan 19, 2007 14:13:15 GMT -5
i think Dirks sadly backing off after saying how he always sees old men embarrassinbng themselves trying to get younger women , poor old git i think even non viewers will vote her out someone on talksport just called Jo ''A LANTERN JAWED ,HATCHET FACED LOVECHILD OF PAT BUTCHER' its a brave new approach to music we'll look back upon as visionary i think youll get yourwish with taht top 5 , maybe when jades gone Cleo will seem more likeable , but i'lll never forget her nomination shame its great when she snaps back he should come back in with a task where they have to be his suvvants and he can bark that at her all day they say theres tones of police going to be there to keep hate mobs away it would be funny if the police attacked and booed her instead when she's telling the decent people her farting anecdotes gleefully is sickening too , shut up you idiot . vote her out Dirk and shilpa to win
Post by Effulgent on Jan 19, 2007 14:22:22 GMT -5
his old man dancing after the jackson 5 task was great he shouldn't back off! it's obvious she likes the flirting! haha she is, with the fag in her hand she'll soon have a butcheresque voice, I think she's acting dumber than she is, I think she thinks everyone is backing Jade so she's become best palls with her, I remember the good ol'days when she used to hug shilpa and worry if she was ok living with the others probably it will be easier for her anyway, also I don't think Davina will be hard on Jade at all which I'm sad about, she always does this! "Sorry Ken master J, I haven't got any cheese" "BUT YOU'RE MY SEEEEEEVEEEENTS! MY SERVEEEEEENTS!" it would be fantastic oh that was horrible, Jermaine wasn't comfortable at all, Jade should learn some manners "MY MUM FARTS ALL THE TIME! HAHAHA FART FART! HEY JERMAINE SHE FARTS!" be quiet! exactly!
Post by z on Jan 19, 2007 14:29:18 GMT -5
i like the bit they show with her saying she'll marry at 60 and him 'if we'ree gonna do this it has to soon '' blody jades ruined everything ! edwina curry was just on the channel 4 news and was praising shilpa nicely then said '' the others 3 are just slaaaaaaaaaags!!! '' the papers have all said davina will bottle out of asking anything awkward, hopefully that will shame her into doing it . im trying to remember how he shut jackie up , he used a funny phrase then too that would do more for the reputation of the police than anything ever i bet all the non english ones get on a plane out of here the day theyre released and never return if they think those 3 represent the uk
Post by JamesMFan on Jan 19, 2007 14:43:16 GMT -5
haha slags
Post by z on Jan 19, 2007 14:49:04 GMT -5
i think there were many hearty ''waheys!!! '' in the audience and a flustered host
Post by Effulgent on Jan 19, 2007 14:51:27 GMT -5
that was fantastic and when he smirked and said he wanted an indian and Shilpa said "OHH DIRRRRRRRK" and was obviously flirting back he's very handsome for an old republican She did! She's turned Angel's into Devils and Good Housemates into ex-housemates who begged to leave/climbed walls due to underpants I'm a big Conspiracy theorist, but some people say that their being easy on Jade (they as in Russel, Dermot and Davina) because they share the same Agent apparently (and apparently Cleo does too :/) but that's probably me being too much of a conspiracy lover (ROSWELL WAS REAL!, not the tv show ) but they always do this! it gets annoying! I know you're not supposed to be biased, but when someone has done something wrong you have to speak out. I don't know what he said, but I remember it being hilarious, something about her hair or Oliver reed or something we'd see more tourists comeing here, nowing they'll be protected by loud mouths everywhere and H joins that welsh party that wants to be independant from the rest of britain (it's a welsh word!, naturally ) I stumbled upon the sun's website (was making my way to the guardian ) and I love their front page it's nice that the readers want her out too, the broadsheets and the tabloids are united for once apparently John Mcririck's interview with sky news was fantastic and he was supporting Shilpa first sensible thing he's done and other big bollywood stars (that one film John did was a hit ) like the Bachanator have stood up for Shilpa! hooray! I love how all the top politicians have been talking about it, I wonder if the queen will release a statement
Post by z on Jan 19, 2007 15:00:59 GMT -5
he's still got it she might marry one of his sons and crush his old heart she could destroy the whole big brother cash cow! but i hope it stays on air forever hopefully the mass outrage will prevent a whitewash/easy ride for her and her evill sidekicks . there was a good bit on big mouth before theyd dared say 'racism' when russell was sat on some old mans knee and the old bloke was saying ''theres an underlying unease to all this '' and russel said ''yeah the sexual tension between you and me!!! '' or shut up you fishwives! theyll never come here again tower bridge will die of loneliness plaid cymru im a member theyre the idiots that made her , but aslong as they help destroy her i can turn a blind eye to that fact mccririck is so odious though you can smell him through the screen gordon brown said a good thing on the news , they said will he be voting for india in suport of shilpa and he said ''im voting for shilpa for britain ''
Post by Effulgent on Jan 19, 2007 15:15:14 GMT -5
apparently dermot said that there was no crowds for JADE'S OWN SAFETY! haha it slipped out, oh well he said it not us and their is going to be a loud studio audiance :/ we all know that will be filled up with people working at endomol and Jade's relatives. I'm not keen on reality tv as you can see, but if it gets another series it'll be fine by me although it seems to be getting more controversial and entertaining but more uncomfortable to see since people know how the game works now and they play up :/ I hope it will, and Russell says something accidently like "oh the racist is out!" "I swear on my eyeballs that Ken Russel is not my dad but my nail technician! and Jade sucks oops!". we all know that plaid cymru has a lot of support in London makes sense. It's great that Big brother was the show that made her famous, and now it could end her carrear, it's lovely in a way I haven't been this cruel ever but i wouldn't say hi to her if I met her and he smells of Horse hair and Toilet Cleaner aww that's nice of him, obviously using it to his advantage so the british public would say "COR! HE'S PHONING ALL THE WAY FROM INDIA? I'LL VOTE FOR HIM NEXT ELECTION!" someone would tell him that it's voting to leave not to win
Post by JamesMFan on Jan 19, 2007 15:17:40 GMT -5
We were discussing this at lunch and I pointed out the whole 'Big Brother made her, and Big Brother will finish her' but the guy I was with said it best when he said "Yeah, it made her and now it's f*cked her"