Oh that made me cry!
Superb! The John smith breaking down scene? the crying school kids? ohh Joan! and the ending with the poppys and the warness
ohhh bloody nora.
and the war/ poppy scene? very sad
also not to sound insensative, very sad scene but WEREN'T MARTHA AND THE DOCTOR LOOKING SMASHING in that scene?
I love that he doesn't know how to put a poppy on, or maybe he purposly pretended he didn't know how to so he could get closer to martha (ohh doctor, bad moment to make a move!)
poor timothy or whatever his name is, yay he survived (and aged into a old man who looked nothing like him.) but he had to fight, oh those men, those brave men! RULE BRITANIA, BRITANIA RULE THE WAY something bla bla about britania yay!
the second part was smashing! I thought it wouldn't be as good as last weeks, but wow! I have to give the cornantor some more props!, BIG UP BIG UP! wow.
he was, I felt so sorry for John in this episode, I did figure out he had turned back into the doctor after though, although I was fooled for a second and thought "wait hold on?" (After that sniffing "he be humanz" scene) oh he's fantastic our doctor! rule our Doctor, our doctor rule the way! when captain jack turns up, he'll turn gaaaaaay.
Martha was great! the hand bone scene "yeah yeah whateva nursey, I know more bones than you can shake a bone-like stick at" was great, and the start where she took the gun and told Joan and John to save themselves (or pee off
) I love that shes so take charge.
aww the hug was lovely and the thank you (though I was expecting him to grovel and say "I'm sorry martha for making you clean up after me and make me food and scrub ma floors, will you marry me or let me be your servent forever?", but still nice hug!) yay! I love that shes short (seriously that boy with the watch who looked 12 was taller than her!
) so he has to bend down or pick her up to hug her hehe.
I really liked Joan in this one, I found myself jumping on the John/Joan train too, I was a little meh about her and John and Joan's relationship in the last episode, But I really loved her in this episode, I really felt for her in the end and John Smith too
David Tennant was fantastic in this episode, when he was crying, my heart broke into a million emo pieces with emo fringes he really loved her
I loved his scenes with Martha there, David and Freema work so well together, they play off each other, great chemistry too, it worked.
I didn't mind it when he asked her along, I loved her rejecting him the 'would people have died if you didn't land here scene', oh cornell is fantastic, great writing, If the doctor was a normal human lad I would have expected someone to randomly knock on the tardis door and give him a punch, but he is a clueless alien, who wouldn't get how akward it would be to have 2 people travelling with him who might have a thing for him
But Joan could see that he wasn't her John, he was glad that he was back, where as John didn't want to leave her, this was a man with her lover's face and body but not his heart, he could love her, but he didn't love her, or maybe he did in the way that he loves all his companions, but he didn't love her like John did, and John and Joan could see that it was the end and that things would never be the same again, yet that alien doctor with his alieness couldn't understand it, he asked her to join him, to show her the world and to maybe make her happy like John had made her, but she could see that he wasn't John anymore and things would never be the same
he asks everyone to join him in his tardis
I think he wants to start his own harem
still he didn't mind when she refused to go with him
and I loved the bit at the end where Martha asks him if he wants her to have a word and hes like naaah and gives her that lovely hug
I loved the flash forwards we had to the alternative ending for John and Joan where they stayed together and looked attractive when old
Also liked that we got to see a bit of the Doctor darkness, where he let the family of blood stay alive forever mwahahaha! very dark.
I sound like such a crappy Doctor/Martha fan
he said she was brilliant and asked her if she was wearing thermals in the lastest dw cartoon
Fantastic episode, I think this is right up there with my favourite dw episodes of the new series
I do hope they get Paul Cornell to do more episodes, this episode is a classic!